The Goldline
metro rail will connect communities all over the greater Southern California region. Curious about where this new rail line can
take you? The Los Angeles-Pasadena line
has been operational since 2003, and since then thousands of people have been
able to explore what the area has to offer.
If you can’t wait to ride the complete Goldline metro line, explore
what's already built and see what you can discover in Los Angeles.
Heritage Town Square
Do you have an interest in history? Are you curious about what life was like
nearly a century and a half ago when the great state of California was just
forming? Well if you're riding
Goldline's rail in Los Angeles you're in luck, Goldline has a station right near Heritage Square. Heritage Square is a living museum that
focuses on the first 100 years of southern California history. This living museum has authentic early
Californian architecture (Victorian houses and suburban homes), historic
performances, guided tours, hands-on exhibitions, and much more. Take advantage of a nice weekend and take the
family to Heritage Square to get the most fun history lesson you'll ever have.
Los Angeles' Chinatown is one of the most well-known city
neighborhoods. There are so many things
to see in this historic Chinese district that you may have to visit the area
several times to fit in everything you want to do. If you love Chinese cuisine dine at one of
the area's abundant restaurants, and if you enjoy cooking be sure to stop at
one of the specialty supermarkets in the area so you can try to re-create your favorite dish at
home. Chinatown is full of museums,
theaters, street performers, and more entertainment perfect for entertaining
families and pleasing dates.
Lincoln Heights
Want to see examples of modern suburban architecture? The neighborhood of Lincoln Heights can stand
out among the more urban areas of Los Angeles, the sprawling lawns and large
homes don't blend in with the urban environment. If you need a break from traditional Los
Angeles, ride the Goldline metro to
Lincoln Heights and enjoy the sights.